Frederick Slone
Associate Professor
Dr. Slone is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medical Education at the University of South Florida College of Medicine and a retired Gastroenterologist. As a teacher in the field of Medical Education, Dr. Slone was part of the first group of educators to obtain a certificate as a Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator. His work in the field of simulation connected him to the American Board of Disaster Medicine (ABODM). His work with the ABODM included the creation of multiple high-fidelity simulations to help test the competency of physicians in this field. He created simulations in Nerve Agent and Dirty Bomb scenarios to both help teach and test the skills of physicians in the field of Disaster Medicine of how to respond to and treat patients in these scenarios. These simulations were used to test Physicians as part of their application process to become members of the ABODM. In 2016, Dr. Art Cooper presented a poster that was co-authored by Dr. Slone and others, entitled, Creation of a Simulation Examination Using High-Fidelity Human Manikins for Board Certification at the International Preparedness and Response to Emergencies and Disasters 4th International Conference (IPRED IV), in Tel Aviv, Israel. He also contributes to formulating questions for the ABODM board examination and has been a Fellow of the Academy of Disaster Medicine since 2015. Other contributions that he has made to the field of Disaster Medicine includes being a co-author for a chapter in a manual created by the National Disaster Life Support foundation to train health care professionals involved in Advanced Disaster Life Support (ADLS). In addition to his contributions in the field of Disaster Medicine, the AAPS (American Association of Physician Specialists) recognized his years of dedication and volunteer work in seeing patients and helping to run the USF Health Bridge Clinic for the underserved population of the Tampa area for which he was inducted into the Gold Humanism Honor Society in 2023. Dr. Slone has been a member of the American Board of Disaster Medicine (ABODM) since 2007, and as a member of this Board, helps to create test materials for Board Certification in this specialty.
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